Artist’s Statement

I currently embrace the concept of nonobjective abstraction in my paintings, which to me represents free expression, emotions, and individuality. I love painting with bright colors and using large and small organic shapes, creating in the direction my intuitive mind moves me. When an area doesn’t fit for me I paint and repaint until I feel complete and satisfied with the finished work. While painting I strive toward spontaneity, rhythm, and revelation, tantamount to who I seek to be.

Madeline Hesano started drawing as a young child. Her mother, recognizing her talent, enrolled Madeline in a very progressive art school. In the late eighties, she began to actively pursue her talents and was recognized with a First Place award at Oakland Community College for a detailed representational painting. Throughout the eighties and nineties she won many awards in numerous regional exhibitions.

In the early 2000s, there was a shift from representational to abstract paintings (although she continues painting representational from time to time). This shift transpired after becoming intrigued with artists such as DeKoonig and Diebenkorn and joining workshops with many accomplished abstract painters. She won an award and was published in the BEST OF FLORIDA. After a hiatus of several years during which she focused exclusively on painting, she is again actively exhibiting her work.

Ms. Hesano’s work is in many corporations and as well as numerous homes. She is currently a member of the International Society for Experimental Artists.


I welcome your comments and questions about my artwork. Prices are available on request.